Actress Natalya Arinbasarova receives the main prize for her part in the film "Jhide. Unexpected Love" by Sabit Kurmanbekov at the closing ceremony for the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.20.09.2011#962264
Actor Sergei Puskepalis, who received an award for the male lead in the film "And There Was No Better Brother", and actress Nino Ninidze, who received an award for the best debut in the same film, at the award ceremony of the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.20.09.2011#962259
From right: Actor Boris Shcherbakov congratulates director Sergei Loban with receiving the festival's Grand-Prix for his film "Chapiteau Show" at the award ceremony of the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.20.09.2011#962258
Director Sergei Loban receives the festival's Grand-Prix for his film "Chapiteau Show" at the award ceremony of the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.20.09.2011#962257
Actors Vladimir Zeldin and Irina Shevchuk at at the closing ceremony of the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.20.09.2011#962256
Director Sergei Loban receives the festival's Grand-Prix "The Golden Vine" for his film "Chapiteau Show" at the award ceremony of the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.20.09.2011#962255
Director Sergei Loban receives the festival's Grand-Prix "The Golden Vine" for his film "Chapiteau Show" at the award ceremony of the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Ali Khamrayev, chairman of the main program jury of the festival, is on the right.20.09.2011#962254
Director Anton Sivers receives the Knyazhinsky Award for the best camera work for the film "A House on the Roadside" on behalf of Rein Kotov at the award ceremony of the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.20.09.2011#962253
Actor Sergei Puskepalis receives an award for the male lead in the film "And There Was No Better Brother" at the award ceremony of the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.20.09.2011#962252
Jury chairman, director Ali Khamrayev at the award ceremony of the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.20.09.2011#962251
Actress Nino Ninidze receives an award for the best debut in the film "And There Was No Better Brother" at the award ceremony of the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.20.09.2011#962250
From left: jury members poet Andrei Bitov and director Vladimir Dostal at the closing ceremony of the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.20.09.2011#962248
Actress Nino Ninidze receives an award for the best debut in the film "And There Was No Better Brother" at the award ceremony of the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.20.09.2011#962247
Actor Rustam Sagdulayev at the award ceremony of the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.20.09.2011#962246
Actor Boris Shcherbakov with his wife, Tatyana, at the closing ceremony of the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.20.09.2011#962245
Actress Michaela Strymbanu-Miron and actor Sergei Koshonin before the award ceremony of the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.20.09.2011#962244
Actor Sergei Puskepalis before the award ceremony of the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.20.09.2011#962243
Actress Marina Blyk before the award ceremony of the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.20.09.2011#962242
Actress Natalya Arinbasarova before the beginning of the closing ceremony for the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.20.09.2011#962241
Actor Nikita Zverev before the award ceremony of the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.20.09.2011#962240
Actors Natalya Lesnikovskaya and Dmitry Orlov before the award ceremony of the 20th Kinoshok film festival of the CIS, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.20.09.2011#962239