Preparing for the launch of the Soyuz 2.1a carrier rocket with the Fregat upper stage to loft six Globalstar-2 mobile phone and data satellites into orbit.13.07.2011#933170
Preparing for the launch of the Soyuz 2.1a carrier rocket with the Fregat upper stage to loft six Globalstar-2 mobile phone and data satellites into orbit.13.07.2011#933169
The launch of the Soyuz 2.1a carrier rocket with the Fregat upper stage to loft six Globalstar-2 mobile phone and data satellites into orbit.13.07.2011#933168
The launch of the Soyuz 2.1a carrier rocket with the Fregat upper stage to loft six Globalstar-2 mobile phone and data satellites into orbit.13.07.2011#933167