Uncontrollable spring burning of dry grass in Altai Territory. Grass fires create fire hazard and reduce soil fertility.15.04.2011#900326
Uncontrollable spring burning of dry grass along a railway in Altai Territory. Grass fires create fire hazard and reduce soil fertility.15.04.2011#900325
Uncontrollable spring burning of dry grass along a railway in Altai Territory. Grass fires create fire hazard and reduce soil fertility.15.04.2011#900324
Fire marshal is extinguishing burning dry grass. Grass fires create fire hazard and reduce soil fertility.15.04.2011#900323
Scorched land after grass fire along a highway in Altai Territory. Grass fires create fire hazard and reduce soil fertility.15.04.2011#900321
Uncontrollable spring burning of dry grass. Grass fires create fire hazard and reduce soil fertility.15.04.2011#900320