Citizens on Goose Day in Kologriv, Kostroma Region. In the center, a participant in the festival in a goose costume carrying a flag with a printed message: Kologriv is the Goose Capital of Russia.06.05.2017#3096706
Artisan, trunk-maker, Anton Smirnov from Kostroma on Goose Day in Kologriv, Kostroma Region.06.05.2017#3096698
Citizens on Goose Day in Kologriv, Kostroma Region. On the left, farmer Ivan Rusanov.06.05.2017#3096696
Citizens on Goose Day in Kologriv, Kostroma Region. Second on the right, farmer Ivan Rusanov.06.05.2017#3096693
A view of Kologriv, Kostroma Region. In the background, center, the Assumption Cathedral.06.05.2017#3096685
Children watching wild geese that have arrived at the Kologrivskaya Poyma reserve on the Unzha River overflow land on Goose Day in Kologriv, Kostroma Region.06.05.2017#3096681
Children watching wild geese that have arrived at the Kologrivskaya Poyma reserve on the Unzha River overflow land on Goose Day in Kologriv, Kostroma Region.06.05.2017#3096680
A participant in the Goose Day festival wearing a goose costume in Kologriv, Kostroma Region.06.05.2017#3096647
Participants in the Goose Day festival buying souvenirs in Kologriv, Kostroma Region.06.05.2017#3096636
A young citizen wearing a gosling costume on Goose Day in Kologriv, Kostroma Region.06.05.2017#3096630
Gray geese in the Kologrivskaya Poyma goose reserve on the Unzha River overflow land in the Kostroma Region.05.05.2017#3096271