Two-unit tracked transport vehicles and a special vehicle on low pressure tires on the basis of the all-terrain vehicle TREKOL, right, seen as new weapons and military and special equipment are tested in the Arctic.18.02.2017#3033815
A tracked transport vehicle seen as new weapons and military and special equipment are tested in the Arctic.18.02.2017#3033813
A tracked transport vehicle seen as new weapons and military and special equipment are tested in the Arctic.18.02.2017#3033812
A two-unit tracked transport vehicle seen as new weapons and military and special equipment are tested in the Arctic.18.02.2017#3033811
A tracked transport vehicle seen as new weapons and military and special equipment are tested in the Arctic.18.02.2017#3033810
A two-unit tracked transport vehicle seen as new weapons and military and special equipment are tested in the Arctic.18.02.2017#3033809
A two-unit tracked transport vehicle seen as new weapons and military and special equipment are tested in the Arctic.18.02.2017#3033808
Two-unit tracked transport vehicles seen as new weapons and military and special equipment are tested in the Arctic.18.02.2017#3033807