Lenin monumen blown up near Finland Railway Station being restored at Spetsialist restoration and research center in Staro-Panovo.02.03.2010#589206
Lenin monumen blown up near Finland Railway Station being restored at Spetsialist restoration and research center in Staro-Panovo.02.03.2010#589205
Lenin monumen blown up near Finland Railway Station being restored at Spetsialist restoration and research center in Staro-Panovo.02.03.2010#589204
Lenin monumen blown up near Finland Railway Station being restored at Spetsialist restoration and research center in Staro-Panovo.02.03.2010#589203
Lenin monument from the square near the Baltic Railway Station being restored at Spetsialist restoration and research center in Staro-Panovo.02.03.2010#589202
Lenin monument from the square near the Baltic Railway Station being restored at Spetsialist restoration and research center in Staro-Panovo.02.03.2010#589201