A member of the Federation Council's International Affairs Committee Igor Morozov, right, before a meeting of the Federation Council.15.06.2016#2872190
Vologda Region Governor Oleg Kuvshinnikov addresses a meeting of the Federation Council.15.06.2016#2872177
Right: Nikolai Ryzhkov, member of the Committee on Federal Government, Regional Policy, Local Governance and Issues of the North, at a Federation Council meeting.15.06.2016#2872174
Right: Nikolai Ryzhkov, member of the Committee on Federal Government, Regional Policy, Local Governance and Issues of the North, at a Federation Council meeting.15.06.2016#2872173
Frants Klintsevich, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Defense and Security, left, at a Federation Council meeting.15.06.2016#2872157
Prosecutor General Yury Chaika at a Federation Council meeting. The Federation Council re-appointed Yury Chaika as Prosecutor General for five more years.15.06.2016#2872150
Prosecutor General Yury Chaika at a Federation Council meeting. The Federation Council re-appointed Yury Chaika as Prosecutor General for five more years.15.06.2016#2872145
Prosecutor General Yury Chaika, left, at a Federation Council meeting. The Federation Council re-appointed Yury Chaika as Prosecutor General for five more years.15.06.2016#2872144
Prosecutor General Yury Chaika, left, at a Federation Council meeting. The Federation Council re-appointed Yury Chaika as Prosecutor General for five more years.15.06.2016#2872127
Prosecutor General Yury Chaika speaks at a Federation Council meeting, The Federation Council re-appointed Yury Chaika as Prosecutor General for five more years.15.06.2016#2872126
Prosecutor General Yury Chaika speaks at a Federation Council meeting. The Federation Council re-appointed Yury Chaika as Prosecutor General for five more years. Back, right to left: Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko and Federation Council First Deputy Speaker Nikolai Fyodorov.15.06.2016#2872124
Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko and Prosecutor General Yury Chaika at a Federation Council meeting. The Federation Council re-appointed Yury Chaika as Prosecutor General for five more years.15.06.2016#2872121
Prosecutor General Yury Chaika at a Federation Council meeting. The Federation Council re-appointed Yury Chaika as Prosecutor General for five more years.15.06.2016#2872120
Prosecutor General Yury Chaika at a Federation Council meeting. The Federation Council re-appointed Yury Chaika as Prosecutor General for five more years.15.06.2016#2872119
Prosecutor General Yury Chaika, front, speaks at a Federation Council meeting. The Federation Council re-appointed Yury Chaika as Prosecutor General for five more years. Back, from right: Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko and Federation Council First Deputy Speaker Nikolai Fyodorov and Federation Council Deputy Speaker Ilyas Umakhanov.15.06.2016#2872118
Prosecutor General Yury Chaika at a Federation Council meeting. The Federation Council re-appointed Yury Chaika as Prosecutor General for five more years.15.06.2016#2872116
Front: Raul Sendic, Vice President and Chairman of the General Assembly and Senate of Uruguay, speaks at a Federation Council meeting.15.06.2016#2872112
Raul Sendic, Vice President and Chairman of the General Assembly and Senate of Uruguay, speaks at a Federation Council meeting.15.06.2016#2872110
Raul Sendic, Vice President and Chairman of the General Assembly and Senate of Uruguay, speaks at a Federation Council meeting.15.06.2016#2872108
Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko, center, at a Federation Council meeting.15.06.2016#2872101