One of the three lion cubs born to lions Adam and Tasya on March 15, the first animals born at the Leningrad Zoo in the past 20 years.22.04.2016#2829980
The Lion Adam in the Leningrad Zoo (St. Petersburg). The Zoo employees have presented the new cubs born to the Lion Adam and Lioness Tasi.22.04.2016#2829976
The Lion Adam in the Leningrad Zoo (St. Petersburg). The Zoo employees have presented the new cubs born to the Lion Adam and Lioness Tasi.22.04.2016#2829975
Employees at the Leningrad Zoo (St. Petersburg) demonstrate three new lion cubs born to the Lion Adam and Lioness Tasi on March 15, the first addition in 20 years.22.04.2016#2829972
Employees at the Leningrad Zoo (St. Petersburg) demonstrate one of the new lion cubs born to the Lion Adam and Lioness Tasi on March 15, the first addition in 20 years.22.04.2016#2829968
Employees at the Leningrad Zoo (St. Petersburg) demonstrate two new lion cubs born to the Lion Adam and Lioness Tasi on March 15, the first addition in 20 years.22.04.2016#2829964
Lion cubs born to lions Adam and Tasya on March 15, the first animals born at the Leningrad Zoo in the past 20 years.22.04.2016#2829959
Lion cubs born to lions Adam and Tasya on March 15, the first animals born at the Leningrad Zoo in the past 20 years.22.04.2016#2829955
Lion cubs born to lions Adam and Tasya on March 15, the first animals born at the Leningrad Zoo in the past 20 years.22.04.2016#2829947
Three lion cubs born to lions Adam and Tasya on March 15, the first animals born at the Leningrad Zoo in the past 20 years.22.04.2016#2829945
Zoo keepers demonstrate the three lion cubs born to lions Adam and Tasya on March 15, the first animals born at the Leningrad Zoo in the past 20 years.22.04.2016#2829942
Employees at the Leningrad Zoo (St. Petersburg) demonstrate two new lion cubs born to the Lion Adam and Lioness Tasi on March 15, the first addition in 20 years.22.04.2016#2829938