Chicken of silk breed on stock-breeder Vyacheslav Komov's farm in the village of Vaskelovo.09.03.2016#2804192
stock-breeder Vyacheslav Komov's son Yelisey and purebred chicken on the farm in the village of Vaskelovo.09.03.2016#2804191
Chicken of big brown Cochin-China breed on stock-breeder Vyacheslav Komov's farm in the village of Vaskelovo.09.03.2016#2804190
Chicken of Pavlovsk silver breed on stock-breeder Vyacheslav Komov's farm in the village of Vaskelovo.09.03.2016#2804189
stock-breeder Vyacheslav Komov's son Yelisey and purebred chicken on the farm in the village of Vaskelovo.09.03.2016#2804186
Chicken of Madagascar breed on stock-breeder Vyacheslav Komov's farm in the village of Vaskelovo.09.03.2016#2804185
Chicken of Pavlovsk breed on stock-breeder Vyacheslav Komov's farm in the village of Vaskelovo.09.03.2016#2804184
Geeze of Tula fighter breed on stock-breeder Vyacheslav Komov's farm in the village of Vaskelovo.09.03.2016#2804182
Geeze of Tula fighter breed on stock-breeder Vyacheslav Komov's farm in the village of Vaskelovo.09.03.2016#2804180
Rooster of Ayam cemani breed on stock-breeder Vyacheslav Komov's farm in the village of Vaskelovo.09.03.2016#2804178
Selectioner Vyacheslav Komov with rosster of Ayat cemani breed at his farm in the village of Vaskelovo.09.03.2016#2804173
Tula Game, a game breed of geese, at the private farm of stock breeder Vyacheslav Komov in Vaskelovo.09.03.2016#2804171
Tula Game, a game breed of geese, at the private farm of stock breeder Vyacheslav Komov in Vaskelovo.09.03.2016#2804170
Tula Game, a game breed of geese, at the private farm of stock breeder Vyacheslav Komov in Vaskelovo.09.03.2016#2804169
Tatyana, the wife of stock breeder Vyacheslav Komov, holds a Meishan piglet at their farm in Vaskelovo.09.03.2016#2804168
Tatyana, the wife of stock breeder Vyacheslav Komov, holds a Meishan piglet at their farm in Vaskelovo.09.03.2016#2804167