Athletes of the Knyaz (Ukraine) and Zveroboyz (Russia) clubs at the Dynamo Cup world championship for full-contact medieval combat.06.12.2015#2752587
An artist performs during a break of the Dynamo Cup world championship for full-contact medieval combat.06.12.2015#2752585
Athletes of the Partizan (Russia) and Zveroboyz (Russia) clubs at the Dynamo Cup world championship for full-contact medieval combat.06.12.2015#2752584
Athletes of the Knyaz (Ukraine) and Partizan (Russia) clubs at the Dynamo Cup world championship for full-contact medieval combat.06.12.2015#2752582
Refereees separate athletes of the NRB (Russia) and PLK (Russia) clubs at the finals of the Dynamo Cup world championship for full-contact medieval combat.06.12.2015#2752581
Athletes of the Partizan (Russia), Yug (Russia) clubs at the Dynamo Cup world championship for full-contact medieval combat.06.12.2015#2752580
An athlete of the Zapadnaya Bashnya ( Russia) club at the Dynamo Cup world championship for full-contact medieval combat.05.12.2015#2752579
Second round announced at the finals of the Dynamo Cup world championship for full-contact medieval combat.06.12.2015#2752578
Athlete of the Partizan (Russia) club at the finals of the Dynamo Cup world championship for full-contact medieval combat.06.12.2015#2752577
From left: Athletes of the Bern (Russia), Partizan (Russia), Zapadnaya Bashnya (Russia) at the Dynamo Cup world championship for full-contact medieval combat.05.12.2015#2752576
From left: Athletes of the Partizan (Russia) and Yug (Russia) clubs at the finals of the Dynamo Cup world championship for full-contact medieval combat.06.12.2015#2752575
Athletes of the Partizan (Russia) club who won the Dynamo Cup world championship for full-contact medieval combat.05.12.2015#2752574
From left: Athletes of the Knyaz (Ukraine) and Zapadnaya Bashnya (Russia) clubs at the finals of the Dynamo Cup world championship for full-contact medieval combat.05.12.2015#2752539
From left: Athletes of the Knyaz (Ukraine) and Zapadnaya Bashnya ( Russia) clubs at the finals of the Dynamo Cup world championship for full-contact medieval combat.05.12.2015#2752538
Athlete of the Knyaz (Ukraine) club at the finals of the Dynamo Cup world championship for full-contact medieval combat.05.12.2015#2752537
From left: Athletes of the Knyaz (Ukraine) and Partizan (Russia) clubs at the finals of the Dynamo Cup world championship for full-contact medieval combat.05.12.2015#2752536
Referees discuss an arguable moment between athletes of the Knyaz (Ukraine) and Zapadnaya Bashnya (Russia) clubs at the Dynamo Cup world championship for full-contact medieval combat.06.12.2015#2752535
From left: Athletes of the Zapadnaya Bashnya (West Tower, Russia) and Zveroboyz (Russia) clubs at the finals of the Dynamo Cup world championship for full-contact medieval combat.06.12.2015#2752534