Maria Shukshina at Romanov Cinema movie theater hosting premiere of the film "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard" directed by Sergei Snezhkin.01.12.2009#518480
Boris Berman, host of the "Na noch glyadya" (Anticipating the night) program in the Romanov Cinema, which premiered Sergei Snezhkin's movie "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard."01.12.2009#518477
Maria Shukshina at Romanov Cinema movie theater hosting premiere of the film "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard" directed by Sergei Snezhkin.01.12.2009#518476
Maria Shukshina at Romanov Cinema movie theater hosting premiere of the film "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard" directed by Sergei Snezhkin.01.12.2009#518473
Maria Shukshina at Romanov Cinema movie theater hosting premiere of the film "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard" directed by Sergei Snezhkin.01.12.2009#518472
From left: Actors Yegor Beroyev and Leonid Yarmolnik at Romanov Cinema movie theater hosting premiere of the film "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard" directed by Sergei Snezhkin.01.12.2009#518470
From left: Pop singer Larisa Dolina and her daughter Angelina at Romanov Cinema movie theater hosting premiere of the film "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard" directed by Sergei Snezhkin.01.12.2009#518467
Pop singer Larisa Dolina and actor Leonid Yarmolnik at Romanov Cinema movie theater hosting premiere of the film "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard" directed by Sergei Snezhkin.01.12.2009#518466
From left: Singer Larisa Dolina, host of the "Na noch glyadya" (Anticipating the Night) program Boris Berman and actor Leonid Yarmolnik in the Romanov Cinema at the premiere of Sergei Snezhkin's movie "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard."01.12.2009#518463
TV show host Dmitry Dibrov and his wife Polina Nagradova at Romanov Cinema movie theater hosting premiere of the film "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard" directed by Sergei Snezhkin.01.12.2009#518461
TV show host Dmitry Dibrov and his wife Polina Nagradova at Romanov Cinema movie theater hosting premiere of the film "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard" directed by Sergei Snezhkin.01.12.2009#518460
Actor Yegor Beroyev at Romanov Cinema movie theater hosting premiere of the film "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard" directed by Sergei Snezhkin.01.12.2009#518458
Actor Leonid Yarmolnik at the Romanov Cinema, which premiered Sergei Snezhnkin's movie "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard."01.12.2009#518455
From left: Boris Berman and Ildar Zhindarev, hosts of the "Night Time" TV show, at Romanov Cinema movie theater hosting premiere of the film "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard" directed by Sergei Snezhkin.01.12.2009#518454
Actor Leonid Yarmolnik at Romanov Cinema movie theater hosting premiere of the film "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard" directed by Sergei Snezhkin.01.12.2009#518453