Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov gives an interview to the Ekho Moskvy and Govorit Moskva radio stations. Right to left: Govorit Moskva Editor-in-Chief Sergey Dorenko, Rossiya Segodnya Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan and Ekho Moskvy Editor-in-Chief Alexey Venediktov.22.04.2015#2610775
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov gives an interview to the Ekho Moskvy and Govorit Moskva radio stations. Right to left: Govorit Moskva Editor-in-Chief Sergey Dorenko, Rossiya Segodnya Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan and Ekho Moskvy Editor-in-Chief Alexey Venediktov.22.04.2015#2610774
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov gives an interview to the Ekho Moskvy and Govorit Moskva radio stations. Right: Rossiya Segodnya Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan.22.04.2015#2610772
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov gives an interview to the Ekho Moskvy and Govorit Moskva radio stations.22.04.2015#2610771
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov gives an interview to the Ekho Moskvy and Govorit Moskva radio stations.22.04.2015#2610769
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov gives an interview to the Ekho Moskvy and Govorit Moskva radio stations.22.04.2015#2610748
Govorit Moskva Editor-in-Chief Sergey Dorenko before Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's interview to the Sputnik, Ekho Moskvy and Govorit Moskva radio stations.22.04.2015#2610747
Govorit Moskva Editor-in-Chief Sergey Dorenko, Rossiya Segodnya Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan and Ekho Moskvy Editor-in-Chief Alexey Venediktov (right to left) before Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's interview to the Sputnik, Ekho Moskvy and Govorit Moskva radio stations.22.04.2015#2610746
Ekho Moskvy Editor-in-Chief Alexey Venediktov and Rossiya Segodnya Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan before Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's interview to the Sputnik, Ekho Moskvy and Govorit Moskva radio stations.22.04.2015#2610745
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov gives an interview to the Ekho Moskvy and Govorit Moskva radio stations.22.04.2015#2610742
Ekho Moskvy Editor-in-Chief Alexey Venediktov before Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's interview to the Sputnik, Ekho Moskvy and Govorit Moskva radio stations.22.04.2015#2610741
Govorit Moskva Editor-in-Chief Sergey Dorenko before Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's interview to the Sputnik, Ekho Moskvy and Govorit Moskva radio stations.22.04.2015#2610740
Ekho Moskvy Editor-in-Chief Alexey Venediktov before Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's interview to the Sputnik, Ekho Moskvy and Govorit Moskva radio stations.22.04.2015#2610728
Ekho Moskvy Editor-in-Chief Alexey Venediktov before Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's interview to the Sputnik, Ekho Moskvy and Govorit Moskva radio stations.22.04.2015#2610727
Govorit Moskva Editor-in-Chief Sergey Dorenko before Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's interview to the Sputnik, Ekho Moskvy and Govorit Moskva radio stations.22.04.2015#2610726
Rossiya Segodnya Editor-in-Chied Margarita Simonyan before Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's interview to the Sputnik, Ekho Moskvy and Govorit Moskva radio stations.22.04.2015#2610725