Russian Supreme Court chairman Vyacheslav Lebedev during a plenary meeting of the Federation Council.17.12.2014#2545015
Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin at a Federation Council meeting.17.12.2014#2545010
Chair of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko at a Federation Council meeting.17.12.2014#2545004
Governor of the Kostroma Region Sergei Sitnikov, right, at a Federation Council meeting.17.12.2014#2544995
Deputy Chair of the Federation Council Ilyas Umakhanov, First Deputy Chair of the Federation Council Alexander Torshin, Chair of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko, deputy chairs of the Federation Council Yevgeny Bushmin, Yury Vorobyov and Galina Karelova (left to right) at a Federation Council meeting.17.12.2014#2544986
Deputy Chair of Supreme Court of Karelia Svetlana Shmotikova at a Federation Council meeting.17.12.2014#2544980