Employees of the scientific research center at the B. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Gatchina.12.12.2013#2340532
Employees of the scientific research center at the B. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Gatchina.12.12.2013#2340531
An employee of the scientific research cetner at the main control board of the research reactor PIK at the B. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Gatchina.11.12.2013#2340239
A scientific research employee with a holographic grating at the laboratory of holographic information and measurment systems at the B. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Gatchina.12.12.2013#2340235
A chess board in one of the halls of the scientific research center at the B. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Gatchina.12.12.2013#2340218
Head of the laboratory of holographic information and measurment systems Boris Turukhano demonstrates a roundness measuring instrument at the B. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Gatchina.12.12.2013#2340208
In the educational campus of the research reactor VVR-M, at the B. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Gatchina.11.12.2013#2340202
The educational building of the B. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Gatchina.11.12.2013#2340189
Chief engineer of the research reactor VVR-M Vladimir Ilatovsky in the educational campus of the research reactor VVR-M, at the B. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Gatchina.11.12.2013#2340188
An employee of the scientific research center at the main control board of the research reactor VVR-M, at the B. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Gatchina.11.12.2013#2340176
An employee of the center of proton therapy and nuclear medicine at the B. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Gatchina.12.12.2013#2340170
VVR-M research reactor hall at the B. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute.11.12.2013#2340167
The technology room of the research reactor PIK at the B. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Gatchina.11.12.2013#2340163
An employee of the scientific research center at the main control board of the research reactor PIK at the B. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Gatchina.11.12.2013#2340162
An employee of the scientific research center at the main control board of the research reactor PIK at the B. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute.11.12.2013#2340161
Staff at the research center in the neutron guide hall of the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Gatchina.11.12.2013#2340160
Staff member of the scientific research center in the neutron guide room of the B.P. Konstantinov St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics in Gatchina.11.12.2013#2340159
Employees of the scientific research center in the institute campus of the research reactor VVR-M at the B. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute.11.12.2013#2340137
Employees of the scientific research center conduct radiation monitoring in the horizontal experimental channel (HEC) room of the B. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Gatchina.11.12.2013#2340135
An employee of the scientific research center in the horizontal experimental channel (HEC) room of the B. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Gatchina.11.12.2013#2340134
Employees of the scientific research center at the pit of the research reactor PIK at the B. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Gatchina.11.12.2013#2340121
An employee of the scientific research center at the B. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Gatchina.12.12.2013#2340120