Participants in the beauty contest at the international ethno-cultural festival Erdyn Games (Erdyn Naadan) in Irkutsk Region.17.06.2013#2204002
Women wearing national dresses at the beauty contest of the international ethno-cultural festival Erdyn Games (Erdyn Naadan) in Irkutsk Region.17.06.2013#2204001
Women wearing national dresses at the beauty contest of the international ethno-cultural festival Erdyn Games (Erdyn Naadan) in Irkutsk Region.17.06.2013#2204000
A participant in the beauty contest at the international ethno-cultural festival Erdyn Games (Erdyn Naadan) in Irkutsk Region.17.06.2013#2203999
A participant in the beauty contest at the international ethno-cultural festival Erdyn Games (Erdyn Naadan) in Irkutsk Region.17.06.2013#2203998
A participant in the beauty contest at the international ethno-cultural festival Erdyn Games (Erdyn Naadan) in Irkutsk Region.17.06.2013#2203997
Participants in the strength sports competitions at the international ethno-cultural festival Erdyn Games (Erdyn Naadan) in Irkutsk Region.17.06.2013#2203996
Participants in the strength sports competitions at the international ethno-cultural festival Erdyn Games (Erdyn Naadan) in Irkutsk Region.17.06.2013#2203995
Partcipants in the ethno-cultural festival Erdyn Games (Erdyn Naadan) in Irkutsk Region, wearing Buryat national clothes.17.06.2013#2203994
The Shaman prayer (tailagan) at the international ethno-cultural festival Erdyn Games (Erdyn Naadan) in Irkutsk Region.17.06.2013#2203993
The Shaman prayer (tailagan) at the international ethno-cultural festival Erdyn Games (Erdyn Naadan) in Irkutsk Region.17.06.2013#2203992
Participants and guests dance the ritual dance Yekhor around Mt. Yekhe Yerd at the international ethno-cultural festival Erdyn Games (Erdyn Naadan) in Irkutsk Region.17.06.2013#2203991
Participants and guests dance the ritual dance Yekhor around Mt. Yekhe Yerd at the international ethno-cultural festival Erdyn Games (Erdyn Naadan) in Irkutsk Region.17.06.2013#2203990
Partcipants in the ethno-cultural festival Erdyn Games in Irkutsk Region sing national choral songs.17.06.2013#2203985
Participants in the festival dance the ritual dance Yekhor around Mt. Yekhe Yerd which is the main event of the festival.17.06.2013#2203984
A participant in the Erdyn Games festival wearing Buryat national clothes takes part in the archery competition.17.06.2013#2203983
A participant in the Erdyn Games festival takes part in the stone-carrying competition.17.06.2013#2203982