Actresses Irina Kupchenko (Deputy Principal Tamara), left, and Anna Kazachyuts (Vera, Yulenka's mother), in Alexander Strizhenov's thriller "Yulenka." Courtesy of the Interfest film company.14.10.2007#373399
Marat Basharov (Andrei Belov) and Oksana Lavrentyeva (Lera) in Alexander Strizhenov's thriller "Yulenka." Courtesy of the Interfest film company.25.09.2007#373397
Actress Oksana Lavrentyeva (Lera) in Alexander Strizhenov's thriller "Yulenka." Courtesy of the Interfest film company.23.09.2007#373396
Actress Anna Kazyuchits (Vera, Yulenka's mother) in Alexander Strizhenov's thriller "Yulenka." Courtesy of the Interfest film company.16.09.2007#373395
Actors Marat Basharov (teacher Andrei Belov) and Anna Kazyuchits in Alexander Strizhenov's thriller "Yulenka." Courtesy of the Interfest film company.13.09.2007#373394
Actors Marat Basharov (teacher Andrei Belov) and Anna Kazyuchits in Alexander Strizhenov's thriller "Yulenka." Courtesy of the Interfest film company.12.09.2007#373393
Actress Irina Kupchenko (Deputy Principal Tamara) in Alexander Strizhenov's thriller "Yulenka." Courtesy of the Interfest film company.03.09.2007#373392
Actor Marat Basharov (teacher Andrei Belov) during the shooting of Alexander Strizhenov's thriller "Yulenka." Courtesy of the Interfest film company.01.09.2007#373391
Darya Balabanova (acting Yulenka) in Alexander Strizhenov's thriller of the same name. Courtesy of the Interfest film company.01.09.2007#373390
Actors Marat Basharov (teacher Andrei Belov) and Irina Kupchenko (Deputy Principal Tamara) in Alexander Strizhenov's thriller "Yulenka." Courtesy of the Interfest film company.31.08.2007#373389
Actress Anna Kazyuchits (Vera, Yulenka's mother) and Darya Balabanova (Yulenka) in Alexander Strizhenov's new thriller "Yulenka." Courtesy of the Interfest film company.30.08.2007#373388
Producer Alexander Strizhenov, Darya Balabanova (Yulenka) and Anna Kazyuchits (Vera, Yulenka's mother, right) during the shooting of the film "Yulenka." Courtesy of the Interfest film company.30.08.2007#373387
Darya Balabanova (Yulenka) in Alexander Strizhenov's new thriller "Yulenka." Courtesy of the Interfest film company.22.08.2007#373386
Actor Marat Basharov (teacher Andrei Belov) in Alexander Strizhenov's thriller "Yulenka." Courtesy of the Interfest film company.01.11.2007#373385
Darya Balabanova (Yulenka) in Alexander Strizhenov's new thriller of the same name. Courtesy of the Interfest film company.31.10.2007#373384
Actors Alexandra Dykhne (Nastya), Marat Basharov (teacher Andrei Belov) and Oksana Lavrentyeva, from left to right, in Alexander Strizhenov's thriller "Yulenka." Courtesy of the Interfest film company.29.10.2007#373383
Darya Balabanova (Yulenka) in Alexander Strizhenov's thriller of the same name. Courtesy of the Interfest film company.27.10.2007#373382
Producer Alexander Strizhenov, right, working on the film site with actors Anna Kazyuchits (Vera, Yulenka's mother) and Marat Basharov (teacher Andrei Belov) during the shooting of the thriller "Yulenka." Courtesy of the Interfest film company.25.10.2007#373381
Actors Anna Kazyuchits (Vera, Yulenka's mother) and Marat Basharov (teacher Andrei Belov) in Alexander Strizhenov's thriller "Yulenka." Courtesy of the Interfest film company.25.10.2007#373380
Actor Marat Basharov (teacher Andrei Belov) and producer Alexander Strizhenov, right, during the shooting of the thriller "Yulenka." Courtesy of the Interfest film company.24.10.2007#373379
Actor Marat Basharov (teacher Andrei Belov), left, and producer Alexander Strizhenov during the shooting of the thriller "Yulenka." Courtesy of the Interfest film company.28.10.2007#373378