Participants in the Urban Environment on Innovation session held as part of the 14th Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum International Economic Forum. Crediting the source is mandatory when using the photo.18.05.2023#8435416600x400 PXJPEG800x533 PXJPEG8256x5504 PXJPEG15 Mb
Participants in the Urban Environment on Innovation session held as part of the 14th Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum International Economic Forum. Crediting the source is mandatory when using the photo.18.05.2023#8435415600x400 PXJPEG800x533 PXJPEG7186x4791 PXJPEG15 Mb
Participants in the Urban Environment on Innovation session held as part of the 14th Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum International Economic Forum. Crediting the source is mandatory when using the photo.18.05.2023#8435410600x400 PXJPEG800x533 PXJPEG8256x5504 PXJPEG13 Mb
Participants in the Urban Environment on Innovation session held as part of the 14th Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum International Economic Forum. Crediting the source is mandatory when using the photo.18.05.2023#8435408600x400 PXJPEG800x533 PXJPEG7956x5304 PXJPEG20 Mb
Participants in the Urban Environment on Innovation session held as part of the 14th Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum International Economic Forum. Crediting the source is mandatory when using the photo.18.05.2023#8435405600x400 PXJPEG800x533 PXJPEG8256x5504 PXJPEG12 Mb
Baharesh Bagherian, Founder of URB, creator of Zero Emission Smart Cities Master Plans, UAE, at the Urban Environment on Innovation session held as part of the 14th Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum International Economic Forum. Crediting the source is mandatory when using the photo.18.05.2023#8435400600x400 PXJPEG800x533 PXJPEG7692x5128 PXJPEG17 Mb
International English-speaking moderator Mikhail Vanyushin at the Urban Environment on Innovation session held as part of the 14th Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum International Economic Forum. Crediting the source is mandatory when using the photo.18.05.2023#8435392600x400 PXJPEG800x533 PXJPEG6941x4628 PXJPEG11 Mb
Yulia Zubarik, Urban expert, creator of master plans and development strategies, founder of the Master's Plan urban planning office, at the Urban Environment on Innovation session held as part of the 14th Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum International Economic Forum. Crediting the source is mandatory when using the photo.18.05.2023#8435386600x400 PXJPEG800x533 PXJPEG6751x4501 PXJPEG11 Mb
Innopolis Mayor Ruslan Shagaleyev at the Urban Environment on Innovation session held as part of the 14th Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum International Economic Forum. Crediting the source is mandatory when using the photo.18.05.2023#8435383600x400 PXJPEG800x533 PXJPEG8256x5504 PXJPEG12 Mb
Participants in the Urban Environment on Innovation session held as part of the 14th Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum International Economic Forum. Crediting the source is mandatory when using the photo.18.05.2023#8435379600x394 PXJPEG800x526 PXJPEG7297x4795 PXJPEG25 Mb