The view shows an exhibit at the Museum of Norilsk art gallery, in Norilsk, Russia.09.04.2023#8408788
The view shows an exhibit at the Museum of Norilsk art gallery, in Norilsk, Russia.09.04.2023#8408775
The picture shows the Norilsk Nickel Polar Division Management building in Norilsk, Russia.09.04.2023#8408762
The view shows the Norilsk Golgotha Memorial, a tribute to victims of political oppression and Polish citizens who perished in the Gulag, in Norilsk, Russia.09.04.2023#8408758
The view shows a bell tower in memory of those who died in Norilsk prison camp, located on the territory of the Norilsk Golgotha memorial, in Norilsk, Russia.09.04.2023#8408756