A boy wearing a protective face mask walks past a mural celebrating the British National Health Service, in London, Great Britain. The UK is locked down for the second time as the coronavirus pandemic worsens. Gyms, leisure centers, restaurants, bars and pubs and all non-essential businesses have now been been asked to close for a second time in England, until December
A view shows the Shaftesbury Theatre, in London, Great Britain. The UK is locked down for the second time as the coronavirus pandemic worsens. Gyms, leisure centers, restaurants, bars and pubs and all non-essential businesses have now been been asked to close for a second time in England, until December
People wearing protective face masks cross the bridge, in London, Great Britain. The UK is locked down for the second time as the coronavirus pandemic worsens. Gyms, leisure centers, restaurants, bars and pubs and all non-essential businesses have now been been asked to close for a second time in England, until December
A woman wearing a protective face mask speaks to law enforcement officers on Trafalgar Square, in London, Great Britain. The UK is locked down for the second time as the coronavirus pandemic worsens. Gyms, leisure centers, restaurants, bars and pubs and all non-essential businesses have now been been asked to close for a second time in England, until December 2. 05.11.2020#6377598
A law enforcement officer is pictured on Trafalgar Square, in London, Great Britain. The UK is locked down for the second time as the coronavirus pandemic worsens. Gyms, leisure centers, restaurants, bars and pubs and all non-essential businesses have now been been asked to close for a second time in England, until December
A law enforcement officer is pictured on Trafalgar Square, in London, Great Britain. The UK is locked down for the second time as the coronavirus pandemic worsens. Gyms, leisure centers, restaurants, bars and pubs and all non-essential businesses have now been been asked to close for a second time in England, until December
A view shows the Millennium Bridge, in London, Great Britain. The UK is locked down for the second time as the coronavirus pandemic worsens. Gyms, leisure centers, restaurants, bars and pubs and all non-essential businesses have now been been asked to close for a second time in England, until December
A view shows the Millennium Bridge, in London, Great Britain. The UK is locked down for the second time as the coronavirus pandemic worsens. Gyms, leisure centers, restaurants, bars and pubs and all non-essential businesses have now been been asked to close for a second time in England, until December
A man rides a scooter along London Bridge, in London, Great Britain. The UK is locked down for the second time as the coronavirus pandemic worsens. Gyms, leisure centers, restaurants, bars and pubs and all non-essential businesses have now been been asked to close for a second time in England, until December
A woman wearing a protective face mask walks along an empty London Bridge, in London, Great Britain. The UK is locked down for the second time as the coronavirus pandemic worsens. Gyms, leisure centers, restaurants, bars and pubs and all non-essential businesses have now been been asked to close for a second time in England, until December
A view shows an empty street, in London, Great Britain. The UK is locked down for the second time as the coronavirus pandemic worsens. Gyms, leisure centers, restaurants, bars and pubs and all non-essential businesses have now been been asked to close for a second time in England, until December
A view shows an empty London Bridge, in London, Great Britain. The UK is locked down for the second time as the coronavirus pandemic worsens. Gyms, leisure centers, restaurants, bars and pubs and all non-essential businesses have now been been asked to close for a second time in England, until December
A man wearing protective face mask walks along London Bridge, in London, Great Britain. The UK is locked down for the second time as the coronavirus pandemic worsens. Gyms, leisure centers, restaurants, bars and pubs and all non-essential businesses have now been been asked to close for a second time in England, until December
People wearing protective face masks walk along London Bridge, in London, Great Britain. The UK is locked down for the second time as the coronavirus pandemic worsens. Gyms, leisure centers, restaurants, bars and pubs and all non-essential businesses have now been been asked to close for a second time in England, until December
A view shows an empty subway train, in London, Great Britain. The UK is locked down for the second time as the coronavirus pandemic worsens. Gyms, leisure centers, restaurants, bars and pubs and all non-essential businesses have now been been asked to close for a second time in England, until December
A view shows a foggy river Thames, in London, Great Britain. The UK is locked down for the second time as the coronavirus pandemic worsens. Gyms, leisure centers, restaurants, bars and pubs and all non-essential businesses have now been been asked to close for a second time in England, until December
A view shows an empty street, in London, Great Britain. The UK is locked down for the second time as the coronavirus pandemic worsens. Gyms, leisure centers, restaurants, bars and pubs and all non-essential businesses have now been been asked to close for a second time in England, until December
A man wearing a protective face mask uses his phone, in London, Great Britain. The UK is locked down for the second time as the coronavirus pandemic worsens. Gyms, leisure centers, restaurants, bars and pubs and all non-essential businesses have now been been asked to close for a second time in England, until December